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Welcome to the Buddhist Chaplaincy Endorsement (BCE) BCE was established to endorse chaplains who self identify as Buddhist, regardless of your lineage or Buddhist practice or tradition. As a division of Five Mountain Zen Order (FMZO) we naturally endorse FMZO chaplains, but BCE was also founded to endorse Buddhist chaplains whose own Buddhist communities do not offer endorsement or are not structured to be able to support and endorse a chaplain, What is Endorsement and Why Get Endorsed? Endorsement (sometimes called "Ecclisiastical Endorsement") is an official declaration by a faith group or religious body that a person is in good standing with the group or body. Endorsement carries with it the implication that the person is accountable to the group or body, has a relationship with the group or body, and has agreed to adhere to the rules of conduct, ethical standards and competencies defined and required by that group or body. Being endorsed also means that a chaplain can represent the religious body or group in a pastoral or ministerial setting. Importantly, in practical terms, endorsement is a requirement of most major certifying bodies such as the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC), the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP), the Spiritual Care Association (SCA) and others. Endorsement is also required by the Military, certain Governmental agencies and prisons in order for a chaplain to serve in one of those institutions. Where a chaplain is seeking formal certification, endorsement is usually the first step in the process. Does Endorsement by BCE Mean I Have To Adopt FMZO's Specific Buddhist Practices? No. In order for BCE to endorse you we will require that you self identify as a Buddhist and that if you are not a practicing member of FMZO then that you are an active practicing member of some Buddhist group or community. But while FMZO is rooted in Korean and Vietnamese Zen Buddhist traditions, in becoming endorsed by BCE you are not committing yourself to follow these particular Zen traditions or their practices per se. What makes BCE unique, though, is that it will endorse any chaplain who meets our requirements regardless of the Buddhist tradition they are associate with or identify with. In this way, BCE is a true national (and internation) endorsement body for all Buddhist Chaplains, particularly those chaplains whose own Buddhist groups do not support or offer endosement. How Do I Qualify for BCE Endorsement?
In addition, for APC endorsement as a board certified, provisional chaplain, or associate chaplain the following are required:
Ven. Jinhye Songdo (Rev Dr Tim Langdell) Divisional Abbot What is Chaplaincy? There is a wide variety of different types of chaplaincy:
Chaplaincy is at its core an interfaith (or no-faith) ministry of presence. While it is possible for a chaplain to be called upon to visit with a patient, inmate, worker, etc, of their own tradition, more often than not chaplaincy is about ministering to a person of a different tradition (or no tradition) by meeting them where they are, offering a non-anxious, non-judgmental supportive presence. In many ways, Buddhist chaplains can thus make excellent interfaith chaplains since it is familar to Buddhist practice to be in the moment as a non-judgmental presence -- practicing "don't know mind" or beginner's mind. Chaplancy Supported by BCE At this time BCE is not specifically supporting Military or Prison chaplaincy, but if you are interested in pursuing such chaplaincy careers and are seeking endorsement, then please do write to us. However, for all other kinds of chaplaincy, BCE is currently offering endosement, education and support. Chaplain Education Through BCE's association with FMZO and Buddha Dharma University, we have a complete program of Buddhist Chaplaincy training as well as classes in a wide variety of Buddhist topics. Indeed, if in reviewing your application we believe you would benefit from taking some BDU classes prior to being able to offer endorsement, we will draw this to your attention. Become Part of a Vibrant Buddhist Chaplain Comminity Everyone who is endorsed by BCE will become a part of the BCE community, and by association also a part of the wider FMZO and BDU communities too. You will gain access to community forums and private FaceBook communities supported by BCE where you will be able to find further information about Buddhist Chaplaincy, benefit from the support and camaraderie of your fellow Buddhist Chaplains, and partake of one of the richest Chaplaincy Resources. Benefit From a Dedicated Mentor As a member of BCE, if endorsed you will be assigned a mentor from the BCE core Senior Chaplain team, who will help guide you through the process to certification as a Board Certificated Chaplain. You will be required to show evidence you meet with your own teacher on at least a monthly basis, or if not you will meet with your BCE mentor monthly. You will also have a formal check-in with your BCE mentor once a year for renewal of your BCE membership and renewal of your endorsement. Costs and Fees BCE is committed to keeping costs and fees to a minimum. You may become a member of BCE even prior to gaining BCE endorsement: the fee is $50 per annum, and as a member you will have access to BCE resources. Application for endorsement is $50 and includes your first year's membership of BCE. If endorsed, then there is a $75 per annum fee to renew your endorsement each year, which includes renewal of your BCE membership, too. Once you achieve Board Certification, your fee will rise to $150 per annum for both annual endorsement renewal and BCE membership. In addition, when you apply for endorsement there is a $100 one-time fee for a background check.
Interested? Click here to start your application process. Or click here to ask questions or make inquiries. |
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